“For the last match of the first leg of the NBI/B adult championship, Vasas was hosted by us, where we could perform our best and win. We performed so perfectly that I could make the best players rest. We functioned as a real team.” said Danyi Gábor, coach.

The NBI junior-youth played their next round in Dunaújváros. At the youth match, Kun Attila, coach, expected a hard encounter. “Kohász plays a very good and combinative play. Despite this, we could break their defense so we could win with a bigger difference. We considered the junior match similarly hard, beside their organized play our opponents were slightly older than us. We could hold on for a long time and the result was only obvious 3 minutes before the end of the match. I am satisfied with the team despite the lost two points”

NBI Women Youth Round 22
30/03/2016. 13:30
Dunaújvárosi Városi Sportcsarnok
Dunaújvárosi Főiskola-DKA NKFT – Győri Audi ETO KC: 26 – 32 (14 – 16)
referees: Sándor György, Szabó Balázs

NBI Women Junior Round 22
30/03/2016. 15:30
Dunaújvárosi Városi Sportcsarnok
Dunaújvárosi Főiskola-DKA NKFT – Győri Audi ETO KC: 32 – 28 (18 – 16)
referees: Sándor György, Szabó Balázs

NBI/B Women Adult Round 20
03/04/2016 14:00
Audi Aréna Győr
Győri Audi EO KC – Vasas SC: 28 – 23 (15 – 8)
referees: Ágnecz Tamás, Sipos Ottó

NBI/B Women Junior Round 20
03/04/2016 16:00
Audi Aréna Győr
Győri Audi EO KC – Vasas SC: 23 – 34 (9 – 16)
referees: Gádics Dániel, Sárközi Marcell

OSB Girls for places1-8
31/03/2016. 16:00
Audi Aréna Győr
Győri Audi ETO KC Ipress Center Vác II.: 34 – 18 (22 – 7)
referees: Andorka Sándor, Szakatics Alajos

Kid’s Championship U13 National Semi-final
Siófok Munkacsarnok
Mohácsi TE – Győri ETO KC U13:
Siófok KTF KFT 2 – Győri ETO KC U13:

Kid’s Championship U13 Regional champion
Watha Sportcsarnok, Veszprém
Győri ETO KC U12 – Mosonmagyaróvári KC SE:
Győri ETO KC Rábaköz – KSE Bősárkány:
Mosonszolnoki KSE – Győri ETO KC U12:
Mosonmagyaróvári KC SE – Győri ETO KC Rábaköz:

Primary School Championship U10
Gál Gyula Sportcsarnok, Várpalota
Bajnok DSE Nemesvámos 1 – Győri ETO KC:
Ajkai Trampolin SE – Győri ETO KC:
Ősi Andreotti SE – Győri ETO KC:

Congratulations to our teams and coaches