We will play against the newcomer of the Hungarian League, MKC on the 15th of August (Wednesday) at 6 pm in Audi Aréna Győr. We are looking forward to welcome everybody interested – visiting the game is free of charge!

The team of Gábor Danyi is going to play the upcoming preparation match against Mosonmagyaróvári KC SE, almost 3 weeks before the official start of the season. This will be the first from the two matches which will be played during this week.

Visiting the game is free of charge!

Gate opening: at 5 pm

We kindly ask all the visitors to use one of the side entrances – northern entrance (by the side of main road 1) and southern entrances (besides the entrance of the Shop) – of Audi Aréna Győr.

In response to the big interest of our fans we will provide an online stream on our official YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/c/gyorietokc) where the preparation match against MTK can be followed live. We will share the direct link on our official Facebook page 10 minutes before match start – follow us!